The HQ infirmary was quiet.
It was an infirmary in name only. It was a real clinic, equipped with the latest technology available on the market. Some of it was not even on the market yet.
After the founder retired, Doc took over. His clones helped him run it with almost no human staff. Over the years, he had delegated more and more tasks to them. Against all odds, they were able to handle the day-to-day tasks. After Doc left, what could be automated had been automated.
There wasn’t much activity these days. Most of the clones worked in other areas of HQ that better suited their skills. Only Professor Gravier remained in the infirmary full time. He was assisted by a few other clones – those whose intellectual abilities were far too limited to function without his supervision.
In a dark and silent room – silent if you ignored the various beeps coming from various machines that occupied a good part of it – Guardian Angel lay on a bed. He seemed to have no intention of waking from the coma he had been in for years.
And if the smile on his face was to be believed, he was having a good time wherever he was.
End of Chapter 2
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Frenchman, exiled on the other side of the planet, DavidB writes. It's not always very good, but who cares, the goal is to write. Sometimes, he also does other things.
MetaStructure is one of his longest-running projects. It was started in the early 2000s. Stopped many times. Started over a few times. Let's hope this time is the right one.
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