The End
Chapter 1 – Part 4
(click here to read from the beginning)
Not my kind of place: Too many vain people… Too much show and no substance… Too much money flaunted. It was even less his kind of place. Since he had decided to meet in Florida, why didn’t he just go to Gainesville?
I guessed he wanted to make sure I’d be ready before he got here. If he met me in Gainesville, he would run the risk of finding me still in my pajamas or hiding among the alligators.
I sat at a table on the patio at Nikki Beach and watched the waves break on the beach. It’s harder than you think. The view was constantly obstructed by an unbelievable number of unbelievable-looking young women.
So, yeah, not in Gainesville, I get it, but why here, in this place? First of all, South Beach was a bit of an odd choice, but hey, why not, I’ll go with it. But the Nikki Beach? That wasn’t his style at all. He’d have no problem with the view, but he wasn’t really into that kind of atmosphere either.
Oh well, he works in mysterious ways sometimes.
The waitress came over and asked me what I wanted. A few years ago I probably would have answered “your phone number”. Since those days are over, I asked for a watermelon daiquiri instead. She smiled. Some people would do things they’d regret for a smile like that. Surprisingly, it seemed genuine.
I turned back to the ocean – more or less. He would be here any minute.
The waitress brought the cocktail. There was a phone number scribbled on a note under the glass.
People often say I’m lucky. “You, lucky bastard,” I often hear my friends and colleagues say. Yeah, right, whatever. Right here! Right here! Here is my luck! This waitress. She seems to be an interesting woman, worth meeting. A rarity in a place like this. And I am almost never wrong with first impressions. And she gives me her phone number. I didn’t even have to ask. Luck, right? Are you fucking kidding me? In less than an hour I’ll be leaving for an unknown destination, and it certainly won’t be a vacation. Who knows if I’ll even make it out alive? There you have it. My luck, right here.
What was this meeting even about? Why did he go to all this trouble to find me? Why did he have to come in person?
Finally, a familiar silhouette appeared on the terrace. His slightly asymmetrical face. Sunglasses perched on his nose. An apple green tie, its knot slightly loose. His typical white tailor-made suit always attracted attention. Today it was probably because it clashed a bit with the beachwear of the locals. He walked confidently to the bar. The barmaid was already busy preparing a sidecar for him. He whispered a few words in her ear and then came over to my table, glass in hand. He returned my smile, took a deep breath, and spoke in a voice as clear as if he were sober:
“Well, it’s been a while!”
“I’m always ready when you need me.”
“Hmm… I hear you didn’t really intend to this time.”
I didn’t find this accusation amusing.
“Sorry. I’m teasing. It’s good to see you, Bond, my friend.”
“Good to see you too, Taulier,” I smiled.
“But if you keep drinking such beverages, I may have to ban you from my establishment. Since we’re on neutral ground, I’ll give you a pass.”
“I was just trying to blend in. Did you come all this way to talk about mixology? Not that I mind, but…”
“No, that will have to wait for another day. We have some rather pressing matters to discuss. So please, listen carefully…”
He stopped smiling and explained.
I also stopped smiling. Yes, I’m very lucky…
End of Chapter 1
(to be continued)
Photo: Nikki Beach Miami
Frenchman, exiled on the other side of the planet, DavidB writes. It's not always very good, but who cares, the goal is to write. Sometimes, he also does other things.
MetaStructure is one of his longest-running projects. It was started in the early 2000s. Stopped many times. Started over a few times. Let's hope this time is the right one.
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