This page is MetaStructure’s library. Here, you will find links to all the stories on the site.
If you started reading us halfway through and want to find a specific story, you’re on the right page to find your way around.
This short text is… well… the Prologue… It can be considered the beginning of the MetaStructure. But maybe it’s also the end, and in any case, it is also its backbone around which a lot of the other stories and text are structured.
The End
Although you can read most of the other stories more or less in any order, it’s best to start with The End.
This is the story that was the source of everything else, and where some of the main protagonists and everything else are introduced.
Future Pasts
These texts are not one unique story, but a collection of memories from a not-too-distant future, discussing a time that could be our present, past, or future.

Is There Life On Mars?
This short story doesn’t seem to fit anywhere in the MetaStructure, but you would be wrong to assume. It belongs there. It’s just not obvious where exactly.
Disclaimer: despite the obvious reference to David Bowie in the title, this story has nothing to do with him and everything to do with wondering whether there is life on Mars.
Click on the logo or the link below to read from the beginning: